Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Micah Chapter Three

Read Today's Passage

How true. I gave you a link into The Message today. Take a minute and read verses 5-7 How true is this today? We have a lot of pastors and leaders who are full of great blessings and pleasantries as long as the money is flowing, but once it dries up it seems to create within these leaders a new personality. Once the money is gone, we get to see who these leaders really are.

Do you know any Christian leader who is well of financially? How would their ministry look if they were to suddenly lose everything like Job? Would they respond like Job or like one of the pastors in this passage? How would you respond?

I love this passage also for putting out there that God is concerned with justice. Not human justice, but HIS justice. Unfortunately for Israel that meant justice for the entire country. Do you suppose that sometimes when America experiences tragedies that it might be God's justice playing out on us? Or maybe it is just a continuation of the Fall?

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