Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Nahum Chapter Three

Read Today's Passage

Ever meet someone who was so full of themselves that you could not help but to wish that they would fall fall on their faces so everyone to see? I have. Several people in fact. I get the impression that other nations were waiting for Nineveh to get its comeuppance. And in a way, I feel oddly satisfied that Nineveh did. Not because I revel in seeing people hurt or tripped up. But because it shows that God is true to His word, and that He will not tolerate stupidity from His people.

You see, God is perfect. Humans are not. I know, I know big surprise there. But follow me on this. For God to be perfect, He has to desire for us to strive to be perfect. When we mess up, He is ready and willing to forgive us, and sometimes even removes us from the results of our mistakes. But when we intentionally make bad choices expecting God to forgive us, we start to take advantage of His mercy and grace. It is no longer grace (unmerited favor) because we expect it from Him. So what is left when there is no more grace? Justice. It comforts me that God's justice is active, and not a side concept. Even though I do not want to be on the receiving end of His justice, I feel that we tend to focus so much on God's mercy and grace that we forget about His perfect justice that HAS to act against sin. Even mine. But it is still there, and sometimes we only see it when it is inconvenient for us or when we look at what happens to someone else when they foul up. I wonder if Nineveh in the years after Jonah's visit fell into this as they turned from God, expecting Him not to carry through on His earlier word. Did they think that turning away once from their sins would be enough? Or did they just rely so much upon God's grace that it ran out?

And are we headed in the same direction?

Monday, September 29, 2008

Nahum Chapter Two

Read Today's Passage

As I read this passage, I think back to Jesus' words of "If you are not for Me you are against Me" (Mark 9) as God here states to Nineveh that He is against them. For good reason of course, but it kind of ruins the Americanized picture of either a God who is always nice to humanity (like Santa Claus, He supposedly exists to make life easy for us), or a God who just sits back and watches. I like that God gets into the action here. It shows that His justice needs to be met, that He will not tolerate sinfulness. And yet, He warns Nineveh that it is coming. There is no "unless you do this" clause though. At least not yet. God simply tells Nineveh that their days are numbered and that number is just about up. He paints a graphic story of how Nineveh will go down, leaving no mercy.

Have you ever see God in this light?

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Nahum Chapter One

Read Today's Passage


Nahum just goes off on Ninevah. He reminds them of God's immense power and strength. I felt like I was reading the last couple of chapters of Job while Nahum was conveying the immensity of God's nature. And yet in the middle of it all, we are reminded that God is good,and that He does indeed care for His people and desires to protect them. And then we are back into God's need to punish sin, reminding us of the consequences that await us when we choose to sin. Granted, we are probably not going to incur God's wrath to the point that He chooses to obliterate our country (though there are those who say that He already is working on this...)

Interesting note: Nahum prophecies over 100 years after Jonah did. And Ninevah did not repent this time around. Ninevah fell to the Babylonians, Medes and Scythians in 612 B.C. For more background on Ninevah, Nahum and Jonah, stop by this site.

Saturday, September 27, 2008


Instead of reading a new passage today, take today to spend some time with God in prayer. Maybe look over some of the Scripture that we read over the past 2 weeks. Meditate on the words that God has given you so far in this journey. And prepare your heart for reading a new book tomorrow.

Friday, September 26, 2008

1 John Chapter Five

Read Today's Passage

I get the very distinct impression that the recipients of John's letter needed a thorough explanation of just what love is. Again in this chapter we see more explanation that in order to be called Christians we need to love God and follow His commands. But what sin is John talking about that does not lead to death? Is it just sins that do not affect the physical body directly, such as lying, stealing and cheating? Or is it something else entirely? And why are we only supposed to pray for those who have committed sin that does not lead to death? Are we talking grieving the Holy Spirit here, or something else? Perhaps we need to look at what else John has said about Christians. According to John, people born of the Spirit do not sin willingly, so is this here implying that it is not a Christian sinning, a person who has willingly sinned in such a way that they have delivered themselves into Satan's hands? Is it public sin? Visible? How do we see it? Or perhaps this person who we are forbidden to pray for is not only someone who has not been truly born of Christ, but claims to be and is sinning willingly while being a part of the church? In that instance should we not pray for blessings of life on that person, but judgment, reconciliation and forgiveness for that person? Lots of questions..

I do love how John wraps up this letter, with a plea for the readers not to give into idolatry. For what is at the heart of idolatry, but love and devotion for something other than God?


(Check out the commentary for the second half of this passage)

Thursday, September 25, 2008

1 John Chapter Four

Read Today's Passage

Ever needed a good passage that tells you to double check what others are saying in the name of Christ? Go no further. Do you double check what pastors tell you? What your friends tell you? What I tell you here in this blog? Many of us do not, and as a result we get led down the wrong paths in the name of Jesus, declaring lies as truth.

And if you ever needed an exhaustive definition of what love is, look no further than the second half of this passage. What do you think of what John says about love?

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

1 John Chapter Three

Read Today's Passage

It is interesting how John keeps using love and sin throughout the book so far. Each time he brings up sin it is to point out that a person who willingly sins is not showing love for God. In fact, here John calls those who willingly sin children of Satan, not of God. But what exactly does he mean in verse 9 when he says that anyone born of God cannot sin?

And then he takes it even further by saying that we need to do more to love than just say that we love. We need to show it through our actions. And if we don't show it? We do not love. And if we do not love? We are not children of God. Wow. Tough stuff.

A side note: 1 John 3.16-19 is among the most impacting passages on my life.

What do you think?

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

1 John Chapter Two

Read Today's Passage

Wow. Not only are those who do not live according to the commands of Jesus deceiving themselves, but anyone who does not love their brother is doing the same thing. How does this translate into our broken homes today? Love is not just playing nice, so how does this passage impact and translate into sibling squabbles? Divorce? Declaring your undying hatred for a sister who has gone "too far"? Ignoring a younger sibling just because they annoy you? Does this expose us for being frauds? Or are we content to just rationalize it as acceptable family behavior?

Speaking of love, what do you love in the world so much that you place it as more important in your life than God (or even family) is? We all have something, what is yours?

Did you ever think that the whole buildup to a singular "Anti-Christ" is misleading? According to John here, anyone who denies Jesus Christ is an anti-Christ. Have you ever been guilty of being and anti-Christ? We need to remember to remain within the protection and guidance of Jesus' teaching, lest we become and anti-Christ. If we go outside of His directives, if we do or own thing and ignore what He says, we are denying His Lordship, and are saying that we are against Him.

Deep thoughts. What about you?

Monday, September 22, 2008

1 John Chapter One

Read Today's Passage

So simple does John lay this core truth of Christianity out for us. If we claim to be Christians, but o not live our lives to show it, we are deceiving ourselves. And the world. If we claim to love Him and say that we follow His commands, but continue to live our lives the way that WE want to, we are not really Christians. But if we do indeed admit that we are sinful, that we are imperfect and that we do indeed need saving, Jesus' sacrifice is all that we need to restore our fellowship with God.

Brief, simple, bold. No fence-sitting from John here. I can't wait to see what's next.

How about you?

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Micah Chapter Seven

Read Today's Passage

It is amazing that even with all of the pain, distrust, and evil going on around Micah that he is able to wait upon and trust in God. Who among us today has that ability? I know that I don't often show that type of patience and trust. Oftentimes I am quick to try and come up with my own plans when things go south.

I love the combination of legal metaphor and rescue that Micah uses in the middle portion of this chapter. We will be responsible for bearing the wrath of God for our sins. But not the full brunt. We have to deal with the consequences of our failures, but He is coming and the evil that mocks our trust now will be shown that they are indeed wrong.

Wow. Just wow. Comparing the other sinful nations to the form that Satan took in the Garden of Eden? Bold. To be reminded that God will indeed save us and tread our sin under His feet? I think that we all need to hear that. I know that I do.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Micah Chapter Six

Read Today's Passage

Verse 8 - so powerful. Especially within the context of both the rest of the chapter and the rest of the book so far.

Eat but not be satisfied - a desire for more and more wealth but never have enough?

Powerful sentence here. I know that it was directed toward Israel, but I can't help but see that today, we are still carrying this penalty around with us...

Friday, September 19, 2008

Micah Chapter Five

Read Today's Passage

Today gives the Israelites great hope for the Messiah.

It gives me great hope for His second coming.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Micah Chapter Four

Read Today's Passage

Wow. This portion of Micah's oracle had to be unsettling to Israel. To know that they would be the woman who was kicked while she was down. But so uplifting to see that one day in the future, God will restore true Shalom to His people.


It rings true for us today. As Christians we are that same woman, awaiting the day when God picks us back up. Or are we called not just to wait, but also to seek God's Kingdom here while we await His ultimate salvation? I think this passage argues both.

How about you?

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Micah Chapter Three

Read Today's Passage

How true. I gave you a link into The Message today. Take a minute and read verses 5-7 How true is this today? We have a lot of pastors and leaders who are full of great blessings and pleasantries as long as the money is flowing, but once it dries up it seems to create within these leaders a new personality. Once the money is gone, we get to see who these leaders really are.

Do you know any Christian leader who is well of financially? How would their ministry look if they were to suddenly lose everything like Job? Would they respond like Job or like one of the pastors in this passage? How would you respond?

I love this passage also for putting out there that God is concerned with justice. Not human justice, but HIS justice. Unfortunately for Israel that meant justice for the entire country. Do you suppose that sometimes when America experiences tragedies that it might be God's justice playing out on us? Or maybe it is just a continuation of the Fall?

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Micah Chapter Two

Read Today's Passage

The first half of this passage is fairly straightforward. It is a reminder and a warning that those who plan evil and carry it out will be dealt with by God in His justice. It is comforting to me to know that God did care (and still does) about what is on mens' (and womens') hearts and what they do with their lives. And that those who we see as gaining much because of wrong practices, they will be dealt with by God.

The second half of this chapter is where it really gets interesting. There are so many churches, s many Christians that just want to hear the good stuff. They want to bring someone in who will not call them out when they are wrong. Someone who will only promise that they will be blessed. These types of pastors are incredibly popular because "people don't want to hear negative things on Sunday morning. They want to be uplifted." There is a place for being uplifted in Christianity, but if it is not balanced with times of confrontation over how life is being lived, then it is not only an incomplete message, but it is really dangerous. Micah is calling those types of believers here, and as odd as it sounds, it is reassuring to me.

There is deliverance and safety promised to us, but it may not come now.

What did you think?

Monday, September 15, 2008

Micah Chapter One

Read Micah Chapter One

It has been a while since I have read Micah. In this first chapter I find it quite interesting that Micah brings his message from God to Israel, yet it is directed at the entire world. Israel is not the only country or people that have fallen into this sinful lifestyle that Israel is guilty of. We here in America today have fallen into the same trap. Don't understand what I am referencing? Check out chapter one in The Message, then come back here...

Read it?

We are just as guilty for having "sex and religion shrines." Legalized pornography freely available, and usage statistics virtually identical within the church as outside. Prostitution freely engaged in, soft-core porn on prime-time television and in commercial advertising. We worship at the altar of illicit sexuality. Sex has become such a primary focus that God and His desires takes a back seat. And look at what happened to Israel because they allowed the same thing to happen. The entire population was condemned for this.

Makes you wonder about how sin affects the people around you, eh? Is there such a thing as sin that merely affects you?

What do you think?

Sunday, September 14, 2008

What is Up?

Greetings and welcome to this new blog hosted by your lovable Youth Pastor. You are probably here because you are a student (or leader, or parent, or pet) affiliated with H20 Student Ministries in Corry, PA. If you are not, I want to welcome you anyway, and we welcome your thoughts. I just wanted to take this first post to introduce the purpose of this blog and to let you know the ground rules for posting comments.

I started this blog as a sort of continuation from our Journey With Jesus blog from our summer Scripture reading challenge. There were a few people who really benefited from a regularly (read: daily) updated Bible reading blog - myself included. So after a couple of requests for more, and some desire on my part, here we are. This blog will serve as an aid to you in your own Scripture reading. My goal is to update daily and to read a book at a time. The latter plan may change down the road, but this is where we are starting. Your role is to read and respond. I will post my thoughts here on the day's passage. You read the same passage and leave your thoughts as a comment. Quite simple, eh?

As far as decorum in the comments, I will moderate comments here on the blog. If you have a Google account or an Open ID account, please use it. I want to be able to attribute thoughts to individuals. If you do not have either option, leave your name in your comment. I will not approve anonymous comments, or comments that attack other readers, or are simple venting about something that does not apply.

Just wanted to get those things out of the way. Look for content tomorrow!