Thursday, October 30, 2008

Out of town

I will be at the National Youth Worker's Convention in Pittsburgh through Monday, so I am not expecting to be able to post regularly (or at all). I may be pleasantly surprised, but if I cannot post, know that this is why.

Zephaniah Chapter Three

Read Today's Passage

Again, wow. God lays it out here for us about just how messed up humans are. Jerusalem had a chance and they blew it. Yet, God then fills us in on how He desires for us to serve alongside Him. And what a day that will be...

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Zephaniah Chapter Two

Read Today's Passage

The command early in this chapter to seek righteousness, seek humility is one that we in America have forgotten. There are so few within our shores that can be called truly righteous, or humble. What does it mean to be righteous or humble?

Righteous has a few definitions, but the best one is to be free from guilt or sin. While we can never be free from sin here on earth (not by ourselves anyway), we need to continue to seek that status, and to continually come back to God for it. Only He can provide us with that standing before Himself and others. And humility? Get rid of all of your pride. You make yourself a servant to others. You do not depreciate yourself, for that is false humility because you are beating down what God has created. But to place yourself as a servant, seeking the glory of God above your own.

How many of us can say that we achieve these?

How many of us really try?

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Zephaniah Chapter One

Read Today's Passage

... wow. Really, wow.

The minor prophets are filled with messages of judgment against humanity, but Zephaniah just seems to come out swinging with his oracle. I was taken aback by how fierce this judgment is. It just left me reeling. The Day of The Lord. Wow. All that destruction. All that pain and suffering. And the gold and silver could not save them. They built houses that they would not get to live in. Planted vineyards that would not produce anything for them. They would make all sorts of plans for success on earth, but not get to follow them through because God's justice was coming. Wow. Simply phenomenal. I am still reeling from this pronouncement. Were you hit between the eyes as well?

Monday, October 27, 2008

Sick... Again

This past weekend I contracted the Flu, so there was no time spent online. Look for Lahag Shalom to start back up Tuesday.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Philippians Chapter Four

Read Today's Passage

  • Some great thoughts on prayer here, as well as a very quick guide to how to live life according to God's desires.
  • I love verse 8. You could not ask for a more succinct list of what to focus on in how to remain pure.
  • We truly, like Paul could, do everything through God. He does give us strength.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Philippians Chapter Three

Read Today's Passage

Paul fills us in here on the problems of bragging about accomplishments under the Law. He really was the Hebrew of Hebrews. He was a Pharisee, carried out the Law to the letter, did everything that was required of him... and it gained him nothing. Well, not nothing, but it did not save him. And there were those in the church that apparently believed that the Law would save them. The same is true today. So often we believe that Christians are to act a certain way because without this action we will not get into heaven. But the real est of Heaven is where our heart is with God. If it lines up with Him, if our faith is genuine and genuinely placed, our actions will reflect that and we will carry out God's commands and requests as a second nature. It is very comforting and reassuring to see that Paul, a giant of the faith, admits his own shortcomings and imperfections.

One thing that I think we take the wrong way from this passage is the line about being citizens of heaven. A lot of people ascribe this to their life by living in an "evacuation theology" which uses this type of statement to say "I will be in heaven, so there is no need to improve the earth here and now." They focus so much on the other side of eternity that they forget heaven's citizens have responsibilities here on earth. Care for the poor, feed the hungry, and more. It's all in the citizenship manual (so to speak). Have you ever found yourself reading these words about being a citizen of heaven and thought that your responsibilities on earth were lessened because of that?

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Philippians Chapter Two

Read Today's Passage


This is what it means to be a Christian. Not seeking acclaim for what we do. Not correcting those who are wrong. But living a life of complete self-sacrifice in which we are constantly placing those around us above ourselves. It is no wonder that American Christians are so poor at emulating Christ. It flies in the face of the modern American dream. The right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness no matter the cost to others. And when you throw in do everything without complaining or arguing? Wow. This is such a foreign idea to Americans. We love to complain and argue. It is in our fallen human nature to do so! So many of us do not want to give that up.

And then we see someone who almost died for this life that Christ asks. Can we say that we would honestly do the same?

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Philippians Chapter One

Read Today's Passage

Some of the greeting is what I pray for teens that I work with now, and have worked with in the past. Especially verses 10 and 11. This is exactly why I am in youth ministry. To train up teenagers to grow in the glory of Christ and to live their lives to the full for Him.

So what do you understand conducting yourself in a manner worthy of the Gospel of Christ to mean?

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Sunday and Monday I fought a valiant battle against a pretty severe head cold. This is why there have been no posts for the past two days. It also forced me to rest and take some real Sabbath time instead of filling that time with incessant work. Every now and then God makes me do this.

Tomorrow we will start a new book together. For today, take some time to truly rest. Get in some good, genuine Sabbath time with God, in which it is only you and Him. No TV, no Internet, no phone. Just you and Him.

And check back tomorrow for our next book...

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Habakkuk Chapter Three

Read Today's Passage

"... in wrath remember mercy."

Here we see God as a wrathful God, ready, willing and able to enact His justice against those who have incurred it. Again, in reading one of the minor prophets I am at the same time in awe and grateful that the God I serve is so majestic and perfect that His justice has to be enacted against sin. It is quite interesting to see God's wrath put on display here.

"The Sovereign Lord is my strength..."

Friday, October 17, 2008

Habakkuk Chapter Two

Read Today's Passage

Have you ever stopped and considered that Israel became the same thing to other countries that Egypt had been to them? Think about it. Here God tells Habakkuk that the other nations will be coming against them, essentially wanting back what Israel had taken. Israel became the new Egypt, and now it was time for God to put them back in their place for not living as He had directed.

The language in verse 15 and 16 is quite raw. Whom did Israel get drunk to see the exposed body? Was it real people or is this a word picture? Probably a little bit of both!

And how many idols today do we truly put our faith in? Waiting for another person, or an image, or money to come and bail us out? Where did our trust - where did Israel's trust - in God go? Why is it so difficult to follow a few basic commands and requests?

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Habakkuk Chapter One

Read Today's Passage

There is something different about Habakkuk. Instead of a book full of just the oracles of God to (or against) His people, we get to see the conversation between Habakkuk and God. Habakkuk laments to God, and I feel like I am reading the Psalms when I read Habakkuk's first complaint. In fact, I am fairly certain that there is indeed some overlap. Was Habakkuk speaking merely from His heart or was there some intent to use David's writings in his complaint to God?

It also amazes me to see that God flat-out tells Habakkuk that He is going to use a godless people to carry out His plan. The Babylonians are actually going to be used by God, even though they are not God-fearing people! Kind of ruins the cliche of "God can't steer a parked car" doesn't it?

And I have to say that I love verse 13. "Your eyes are too pure to look upon evil..." That is the type of God that I want to serve. One whose perfection is all-encompassing. Not an imperfect God who stumbles just as much as I do.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Read Today's Passage

Obadiah is very small as a book. There is one oracle here to reflect upon, and it is very simple to understand. Or is it?

This is not the first time we have seen Mount Zion referred to in the Old Testament. It is the Jewish belief that Zion is where ultimately we will all end up (those of us who are among God's chosen people, anyway). We see a prophecy against Edom (the descendants of Esau) of how God will cut them down from their lofty high horse. He also gives them a warning against taking advantage of His people in their day of disaster.

What is really interesting about this prophecy to me is that instead of a prophecy to the people of Israel here, we have a prophecy specifically to the descendants of Esau of how they are too proud and should stay away from Israel when she falls. Yet they are told about the Day of the Lord in which all people of God will celebrate together. They are shown what that might look like and told essentially that they will have no part in it. They have had their time, and now that it is almost over, there will be no more time for them.

Very finite, don't you think?

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Something different today. Read through this Psalm and carry it with you all day long. Mediate upon it, and reflect on how it applies in your life today.

O LORD, do not rebuke me in your anger
or discipline me in your wrath.

Be merciful to me, LORD, for I am faint;
O LORD, heal me, for my bones are in agony.

My soul is in anguish.
How long, O LORD, how long?

Turn, O LORD, and deliver me;
save me because of your unfailing love.

No one remembers you when he is dead.
Who praises you from the grave?

I am worn out from groaning;
all night long I flood my bed with weeping
and drench my couch with tears.

My eyes grow weak with sorrow;
they fail because of all my foes.

Away from me, all you who do evil,
for the LORD has heard my weeping.

The LORD has heard my cry for mercy;
the LORD accepts my prayer.

All my enemies will be ashamed and dismayed;
they will turn back in sudden disgrace.

Psalm 6 (NIV)

Monday, October 13, 2008

Galatians Chapter Six

Read Today's Passage

A very stark reminder that we are not ultimately in charge. We cannot claim any success. We are responsible for our actions. We are to treat God with respect, no matter what.

And ultimately, we are to remember that when a brother (or sister) in Christ falls to sin, we should practice grace and mercy in an attempt to restore them to true fellowship with God, and with other believers.

And finally, we are told to remember that no matter what we do or do not do, we are a new creation in God, and that is all that matters.

I love reading Paul...

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Galatians Chapter Five

Read Today's Passage

I love Paul's language in verse 12. So blunt, so bold. I also appreciate the call to remember that even though we are free, not tot take advantage of that freedom and excuse our sinfulness.

And then we have the list of what is sinful behavior (not an exhaustive list, of course) and what is a result of the Spirit at work. If you need to ask whether someone is following in Christ's footsteps, look no further than these lists. Are you following? Am I following?

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Galatians Chapter Four

Read Today's Passage

We are not slaves to sin, or to broken nature! We are heirs to the Kingdom! What does this mean? It means that sin and brokenness do not have to rule our lives. It means that we can claim that one day as God's children we will one day share in the restored Creation with God Himself! Pretty reassuring if you ask me.

The Galatians seemed not to understand this, and became slaves again to false gods instead of the one true God. How many false gods today have we turned our backs on the real God in favor of? What sort of things within Christianity have we turned into a false god to be worshiped, adored and observed instead of what God truly asks?

Friday, October 10, 2008

Galatians Chapter Three

Read Today's Passage

Man, Paul really tears into the Galatians for relying solely upon the Law in this chapter. How many of us modern-day Christians have turned our faith into a rigid list of do's and don'ts that we have to follow in order to be good Christians instead of relying upon the life change that the Spirit brings when He takes up residence in our lives? The Law was only there to help humans until Jesus arrived on the scene! It was set up to lead us to Christ, and now that He has come, we are in His presence! The Law - while not being null and void, because it agrees with the promise of God - is not needed any longer. Jesus accomplished this. Sacrifices, circumcision, all of it!

I really can't wait to see where Paul goes with these last couple verses of today's passage. No Jew or Gentile, but all one in Jesus...

Thursday, October 9, 2008


Under the weather tonight. No focus to blog. Should be back in the morning...

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Galatians Chapter Two

Read Today's Passage

There is a lot of heady stuff in today's passage. Did you know that Paul had to call Peter to the carpet for being dumb before today? I think that we all have the same tendencies when it comes to associating with other Christians. It is natural to gravitate towards those who we share something in common with. But to withdraw from some because of cosmetic issues is ridiculous.

Now, bearing in mind that circumcision is a bit more involved than any of my examples, follow in my thinking. Say you are a Christian. Say it! And you have been for a while. Then some new person walks in and you notice that even though they are engaging in the worship service fully, singing, raising hands, taking notes from the Pastor's sermon - you can be confident that they are a member of the body - you hold back from getting involved. Why? Because they are covered in tattoos. Or they are wearing a suit and tie. Or they wore jeans to church. Or they are old.

You see, with the New Covenant that Jesus gave us, we are no longer required to undergo circumcision of the flesh, but of our hearts. The fleshly circumcision became a status symbol for Jewish Christians, and those who were not circumcised were ostracized and ignored. What practices have we made like circumcision? What do we engage in to show our holiness to the world that is nothing more than a status symbol?

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Galatians Chapter One

Read Today's Passage

Back into Paul's writing. I have to say that among the authors of Scripture, Paul is quite possibly my favorite. And here he starts right into the meat of his letter. After a brief greeting, he informs the Galatian church that they are not to follow any other Gospel other than the real Gospel. What kinds of false gospels do we face today? Prosperity gospels. The gospel that heaven is attainable by many methods. The gospel of God being able to tolerate sin. The gospel that we are always right. It amazes me that these gospels (and many, many more) have arisen out of a desire to please people, and not God. Let us hear the real, hard truths of the Gospel! We are broken sinners who deserve death! It is only through Jesus' sacrifice and God's grace that we can enter into a loving relationship with God. And the gospel starts now, eternal life starts now, not when we die!

And then Paul takes some time to share his history with the church. He was pretty infamous before he converted, but here he reminds the people that he was rotten. And then Jesus changed his life, and he followed wherever Christ called him to go. Why are we so afraid to follow the Gospel fully? Because it is uncomfortable.

How about you?

Monday, October 6, 2008

Joel Chapter Three

Read Today's Passage

From "you're doomed" to "turn and perhaps you will be saved from tragedy" to "calling all available fighting men!" What a trip in just a few pages. God calls on His faithful people to come to His side, to fight alongside Him and to follow Him. What a turn-around from the beginning of Joel. And then to cap it all off, He declares that after that day, the land of Jerusalem and Judea will forever be filled with His people. So the question becomes, how far into the future does Joel's prophecy go? Is it an end-times Jesus-is-coming-back-so-you'd-better-make-things-right prophecy? Or did this already happen in Israel?


Sunday, October 5, 2008

Joel Chapter Two

Read Today's Passage

Just a couple of observations about today's passage:

  • I wonder why it was that a lot of God's judgment (whether played out in life, or alluded to in prophecies) involved locusts. Sure, they pretty much destroy everything in their path, but was there more to it than that?
  • I like that Israel is being given a chance to change God's mind here (though that gets into another deeper discussion) by offering not sacrifices and actions, but a change in heart so that the other nations will not curse and disbelieve God.
  • Apocalyptic prophecy. Gotta love it, even though we have no real chance of completely understanding it. But it is comforting to know that Israel was promised that God would be there completely if they would only change their hearts and line back up with Him...

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Joel Chapter One

Read Today's Passage

Joel really gets me thinking. When Israel was invaded and ransacked, the people went to God , mourning and lamenting. They fasted, prayed and cried out to God. I am sure they wondered why, but overall they probably asked Him to save them and to help them (it was Israel's way, after all).

If America were to suffer today what Israel had suffered then, how would we respond? Would we cry out to God, or would we cry out at God? Would we spend more energy cursing Him and demanding answers, or would we focus most of our attention on please for help, mercy and salvation?


Friday, October 3, 2008

3 John

Read Today's Passage

It is interesting to see that even in the early days of Christianity there were people in leadership positions who wanted to run the show their way and not God's way. Over the years I have encountered many people who were like this (and even a few times acted this way myself), and each time it was a dividing point in that particular body. Sometimes it was just not being willing to accept change, sometimes it was controlling who could participate and who could not. And almost always it involved gossip and slander, lies and backstabbing.

Yet even in this situation with Gaius, John lets hi know that when he gets there he will set things right. And that Gaius should remember that those who follow God are the ones doing genuine good. He challenges him to remain this way and continue to show love, and not give into the temptation to do evil.

I think this is a message we all can benefit from.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

2 John

Read Today's Passage

Short, sweet and to the point. John continues his thoughts on love from 1 John here. But he is more brief. He wants to visit this church and share in person. He recognizes the value in a face-to-face conversation and teaching over letters (and today's equivalents). But he is clear that love is following after Christ. And if we are not following after Christ, not only are we not loving, but we are not Christians! Pretty simple if you ask me.

How about you?

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Read Today's Passage

I am really encouraged by this book. Really, I am. Here we see Jude writing to encourage and warn a church about the men who come in and take advantage of God's grace and mercy (sounds familiar, eh?), and take Paul's warning of "Everything is permissible but not everything is beneficial" a little too far. Jude makes reference to the fact that not even the angels make slight remarks about spiritual beings, even the evil spiritual beings. But here we are in 21st century America where we have no problem with making fun of Satan, angels, demons and God Himself. Have we become like those men? Is laughing at a joke about the devil wrong or harmful? Or am I misinterpreting here.

Now granted I am a firm believer that God has an immense sense of humor (e.g. the platypus, navel lint, bodily noises and country music. [okay that last one was mine]), but how far does that humor extend? I suppose the biggest thing to learn from Jude is that we need to watch for these men (and women) and not be led astray by them.

I am also encouraged by verses 22 and 23 in which we are told to show mercy for those who doubt, and in a roundabout way, to love the sinner and hate the sin. To temper mercy with fear, not just to run blindly in but to be observant and watchful.

What did you think of Jude?