Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Daniel Chapter One

Read Today's Passage

Stop for a minute and put yourself in Daniel's shoes. America has been invaded by Canada (or Mexico, or Germany, or Japan, or any other country you can imagine). You are captured. You are tested to see if you are gifted enough to serve in the ruler's governmental structure, forced to learn the occupying country's language and, on top of all that, you are forced to receive a new name. What would your response be? Would you eat the fine food provided for you? Would you try to run? Would you refuse to cooperate with the invading government?

I really admire how Daniel handled all of this. Not only did he accept his new name and place gracefully, he worked on a way to remain set apart from the rest of those in the palace. Diplomatically. We all probably assume that God wants us to stand up to invaders and die for our country if the situation arises that we are called to, but what if He has plans for America to be invaded and humbled like He did for Israel? Would we be better called to work with the occupying forces or against? Sure, you could make cases for against really easily (WW II Germany), but what of Babylon here?

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