Friday, October 17, 2008

Habakkuk Chapter Two

Read Today's Passage

Have you ever stopped and considered that Israel became the same thing to other countries that Egypt had been to them? Think about it. Here God tells Habakkuk that the other nations will be coming against them, essentially wanting back what Israel had taken. Israel became the new Egypt, and now it was time for God to put them back in their place for not living as He had directed.

The language in verse 15 and 16 is quite raw. Whom did Israel get drunk to see the exposed body? Was it real people or is this a word picture? Probably a little bit of both!

And how many idols today do we truly put our faith in? Waiting for another person, or an image, or money to come and bail us out? Where did our trust - where did Israel's trust - in God go? Why is it so difficult to follow a few basic commands and requests?

1 comment:

Nancy D said...

I find that parts of this chapter could apply to our society. We have made ourselves wealthy on the backs of others. I do not like to think that we have used bloodshed for personal gain, but how many wars and conflicts have we been involved that ultimately work out to our porfit. The only true security that we can have is found in Christ and woe to the nation that forgets that.